Monday, April 26, 2010

The solid waste handling ‘proverb’

The solid Waste Management sector is in crisis as it has been neglected. The Nairobi City Council is responsible for garbage collection services but due to mismanagement and corruption the resources are no longer available and this essential service has been left to the private sector. Of the many private operators there are one or two who are responsible in their operations but the vast majority of " garbage collectors" simply throw the garbage where they believe it will have the least chance of them being caught by the City Inspectorate, and if by chance they are caught all they do is pay a bribe.

Nairobi is estimated to produce 2,400 tonnes of garbage per day translating to 876,000 tonnes annually.

The local Bins, like all other operators is licensed by the Nairobi City Council to dispose off collected garbage at the Dandora dumping site and adheres to this requirement strictly. However, the site itself and the management of the disposal of the garbage are inadequate for today's needs; a problem that needs to be urgently addressed.